Friday, June 15, 2007

Ratmaze 2 !!

Ratmaze 2!

Hi everyone, Ratmaze 2 is here!

Go to

If you enjoyed the original Ratmaze at all, we think you'll really enjoy this one! For one thing, it's a lot more fun! There's a colorful new maze to explore, some new moves (you can run diagonally), there are a lot more tasty cheeses to eat, apples for speed boosts, secrets, plus some of the biggest cheeses you've ever seen in the bonus areas! There are other new activities involving bouncing balls, holes, and an attractive new female Rat as well. Oh, and you can submit your high scores and compete with your friends and complete strangers!

Here are a few screenshots:

Ratmaze 2 is FUN!!

Go play! it's free. Have fun, & Thanks for helping our beloved Rats eat all possible cheeses.

Oh yeah! thanks a lot to Crazy Monkey Games for sponsoring Ratmaze 2, and to all of our beta testers, without whom the game would be buggy and not as much fun!

Ratmaze 2

Programming/visual fx/sound fx production: Miles Tilmannn

Art & Animation: Rich Grillotti

Music, sound fx: Mark Denardo

Speacial thanks to John at Crazy Monkey games for sponsoring Ratmaze 2

Beta testers:

Mike Lee, Bobby K, Matt Jeanes, .tiff, Andy Watson, John West, Nathan Siruta, Kasey Akira, Jason Reinsvold, Karen Cate, Luposian, Emily Lewis, Steve Finkel, John Magnotta, Jenny Pearsall



Gabriel said...

Shit, it's great!!! I loved ratmaze 1, it looks like this one will steal even more of my life!

Rodneylives said...

Ah, very professional, much more interesting than the first game.

After considerable play:
- Scrolling should be on by default.
- It's annoying that sometimes you enter the bonus round, and sometimes you don't. There is no in-game clue concerning what qualifies.
- Sometimes the pool puzzle glitches, and all the non-black balls get pocket but the letter doesn't appear, and the door doesn't open.
- If you take the orange ball through the pipe and into the 'Z' room, sometimes the door shuts early, locking the rat out. Very annoying.

Unknown said...

very cool, like all the new additions and layers of gameplay added. Wot about GAMMA 2! can't you just tease us with some concept art?! PLEASE I BEG YOU XD

Chris said...

Hi there,

sorry for contacting you on the comments, I couldnt find an email address!

my name is Chris Blundell and I'm currently involved with a 2d machinima cartoon sitcom called The Hit Squad. Before you think "oh great, machinima", the series is actually animated with amiga software then post processed on PCs so the whole cartoon will look like a 2d amiga game.

The series will follow a team of washed up 80s music producers looking to regain their fame, fortune and Jack Daniels sponsorship. Battling zombies, rap-wars, uninvited video game characters, alcohol problems and Alison Moyet.

The scripts have been finalised and the production will be rolling over the next week or so before we release in september. There's been nothing like this done before especially at full length episodes (thats 24 minutes, fact fans!) and it will heavily feature videogame references, as well as retro music references and *gasp* celebrities!

In the meantime, were currently running a mini-series of animations to hone our animation techniques and to give a little taster of what The Hit Squad will look like. The mini series is called Fragile Man which follows a really shit superhero that can regenerate himself when he dies. Unfortunately he's so fragile that he explodes under pressure. Bless him.

Episode 1 is available here:

Episode 2 is here: - (Best quality) - Vimeo (mid quality)

If you want any more information to feature either series at all, then please let me know.

Anyhow, carry on with the brilliant blog, I'm an avid reader!

Thanks very much for your time

Chris Blundell

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Ps3 controller said...

Thanks for catching up with this game.It is a generally entertaining plot and has entertained one and all for ages.