Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gamma Bros is almost finished

(originally published: April 12, 2006)

Buon Giorno. We are busy, busy busy working on finishing Gamma Bros this week, so I'm not going to write about anything today. Actions not words! With any luck my next Blog will be titled "Gamma Bros v1.0b is ready for beta testing!" or something like that. So, check back next week!

In future blogs, I'm going to be writing about other games we've got in mind, A simple tutorial on making pixel art, animations & the programs I use for it, A blog about our first game, Game 01, where Rat, Burger Boy and the Gamma Bros come from. I will probably be setting up stuff with Game art for sale too, like posters and t-shirts on cafepress.com, and perhaps other sites similar to cafepress.com that might be a little cheaper for you and me.

That's all for today. Arreviderci!

1 comment:

ean kaufen said...

really nice .