Friday, August 18, 2006

help wanted

Hello again.

It's been a while. Ever since we finished Gamma Bros, we've been very, very busy. Miles and I had been working hard on our next game (currently top secret) and trying to do as much actual paying client work as we can so we can pay our bills! In fact, the client work has been all consuming for a long time now, and we haven't had much opportunity to work on games at all. It's unfortunate, but there is a way you can help! If even a small percentage of the people who have enjoyed Gamma Bros helped us out with a donation of $5 or more, we could actually make a full time job out of making our games. Once we got outselves going we would find other ways to make out money (like making and selling pixel art t-shirts and merchandise) and wouldn't need any donation support.

Well, anyway, we've got one partially finished & hope to get back to it this fall and release it by the end of the year perhaps. All I'll say is that it's got pixel robots & the plan is to have a mutiplayer option if we can work that out. Then we've got many other games we're working out on paper & in our heads for now, and Gamma Bros 2 is hopefully going to happen sometime.

Well, back to work. I'll write more about the new game soon.